Your Obstacles Are the Way To Helping Others
Your Personal struggles are your gift to the world!
Nothing binds people together like struggles. The adage: “power in numbers”, is true! When we experience pain, suffering, & struggles, we tend to seek the comfort and advice of others. Support groups in the USA are flourishing. For every struggle, a support group exists. There’s even one for dealing with horse thieves! Connecting with others through our pain reassures us that we’re not alone — and helping others work through similar problems is therapeutic.
One important point about struggles: they shape us. They mold us and define us. How we struggle may be more important than the actual struggle itself. The way in which we struggle becomes our gift to the world. We don’t grow by avoiding struggles and problems; we grow by working through them. People facing great problems solve great challenges. To put it another way: great problems have been solved by people facing challenges. Struggle is the mother of progress.
While the modern world seemingly provides us with an easy answer to every problem we have, we might do better to face our struggles more directly — head-on. In working through our struggles, we work on ourselves and in turn become a resource for helping others. Without struggles, strength can’t be discovered and shared with others.
Our response to struggles has the potential to shape us into beautiful human beings. Share that with someone!